As was reported recently, the Schwarte Jansky GmbH has successfully undergone a reorientation during 2014. The plant in Emsdetten will in future operate under the company name ARBAprocessing GmbH, housing the strong brands Schwarte Jansky (trucks) and Schwarte Milfor (vessels).
ARBAprocessing will market all products manufactured in the four plants that belong to the Schwarte Group including services for customers.
For the whole of Europe, ARBAprocessing covers the whole spectrum from collection, transport, measurement, analysis, storage and processing incl. control and data technology for liquid foods and other fluids. Special competence of ARBAprocessing is the solution of complex customer demand with high technological standards in the area of milk collection technology and logistics as well as in tank and vessel building.
All over Europe, the group generates from its locations in Emsdetten, Olsztyn, Koszalin, Gmunden and Roßleben sales of over €50 million, employing a staff of 400.
A joint stand at ANUGA FoodTec from 24 to 27 March 2015 in Cologne will offer the first chance to see ARBAprocessing and the two brands Schwarte Jansky and Schwarte Milfor together under the new roof. Customers and partners may expect interesting product innovations and professional exchange of experience around the topics automotive engineering, logistics, measurement, control and data technology as well as manufacturing of tanks, components and equipment.